Welcome, I’m Karla Kueber
My Mission is to provide women with healing tools to overcome traumas, stressors, and grief that have a grip on their lives so they can experience more freedom, inner peace, and love.
With a background in Evidence Based EFT /tapping for trauma, health and life coaching, energy medicine, and somatic healing, I understand the interconnectedness of the entire body, helping you to heal and find peace in your mind, body, and heart. I’m here to help you get to the root cause of what is causing you to suffer so that you can experience more freedom and joy in life!
Helping others to heal and empower themselves to transform their lives is my gift, and I genuinely love doing it! I believe the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and those we care most about is taking care of our own health and well-being. It’s “The Ripple” effect. The more we heal and love, the more healing and love that permeates throughout our world.
You can also find me blogging about food and health on my blog Healthagy.com
My Backstory
My childhood was all butterflies and flowers until it wasn’t. The truth is, like many others, I had a really tough childhood. My mom battled cancer for years and eventually lost that battle. My family was ultimately left broken. My father was busy trying to play multiple roles while also trying to escape his grief. I was forced to grow up real quick, becoming a strong, independent, resilient child on the outside but suffering much pain and grief on the inside.
I continued to be put on my game face, achieving much outward success in life. I had a career with many accomplishments as a teacher and financial comfort, and I was contributing positively to society, but it was costing me my life. I was exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally. I was a workaholic, disguised as a martyred teacher, meaning I gave all of myself to being a teacher. This was the only way I knew I was a valuable “good” person in the world. I was in constant judgment of myself, feeling nothing was ever good enough. I was battling unhealthy relationships with food, others, and myself. I was putting on a great face, but I was living in constant stress and misery.
I set out in search of a better life; I knew there had to be more to life than the way I was living. Little did I know at the time that this journey was precisely what would guide me to step into my destiny.
I started searching for more and what that meant to me. It took me on a journey inward, to a place I hadn’t ventured too much over the years- as I was too busy focusing on my external world.
I began journaling, reading personal growth books, learning about health and wellness, developed my spiritual practice, attended workshops, went to therapy, practicing yoga, and more.
All these things help tremendously! I share much about these on my blog. But what I found was that no matter what I did, I still had anxiety and lingering blocks (traumas) that were keeping me stuck. With that, my core beliefs of being broken and not good enough hung on as well.
I searched for ways on how to free myself from this. I learned that anxiety and trauma reside in our bodies until it is healed using mind-body therapy. Trauma can be described as an overload on the nervous system. We all have experienced trauma in some ways; it is a part of life. Traumatic events can be an embarrassing incident as a child that has left you feeling scarred as an adult to experiencing grief over the death of another.
One thing that deterred me from healing (and often shared by others) is that others have it much worse. The belief that my experience isn’t trauma because… Trauma is subjective; it’s how our individual nervous system responds to the incident(s). Something traumatic for one person may not have been traumatic for another.
Through the recommendation of a friend, I started working privately with an Evidence Based EFT practitioner. I found freedom from the core beliefs, wounds, and traumas that had been living in my body and restricting my life. This trauma had kept me playing safe, disconnected from myself and others; it also manifested as back pain and other symptoms in my body.
The more emotional freedom I found, the more freedom and openness I found in other areas of my life; mind, body, and heart. I found freedom from restriction. Ease and empowerment in my body. Freedom to give and receive love without fear of rejection, to see myself and others more from my heart and less from my head. Most importantly, I discovered inner peace, a place that is always waiting for me regardless of what’s happening in the world around me.
Healing from anxiety, stress, and trauma doesn’t have to be a struggle or something you do on your own.
In fact, you shouldn’t! You deserve to be fully supported.
My official bio
Life Coach & Somatic Practitioner
- Certified Evidence Based EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Trauma Associate Mentorship with Dr. Lori Leyden
- Evolutionary Leaders of the Heart Program with Dr. Lori Leyden
- Somatic Experiencing Advanced Student- Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute
- Certified Adult and Child Yoga Teacher (RYT 200, RCYT 95)
- Yoga to Transform Trauma Teacher & Leader Training & Intensive with Catherine Ashton
- Trauma-Informed Yoga with Hala Khouri
- Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 & Level 2 with Gabrielle Bernstein
- Energy Medicine Training Year 1 & Year 2 with Rhys Thomas
- Reiki Level 2
- Self-Hypnosis Level 1
- Integrative Nutrition Health Coach- Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program
- Emotional Eating Psychology Course- Institute of Integrative Nutrition
- Gut Health Course- Institute of Integrative Nutrition
- Hormone Health Course- Institute of Integrative Nutrition
- M.S in Reading and Literacy, M.S. in Technology Integration in Education; Karla spent over a decade as an elementary school teacher and as an instructional coach providing professional development district-wide for teachers.