Hey Guys,
Do you ever have those moments when a mood just strikes you, you find yourself a bit grouchy, beginning to judge yourself, or maybe just feeling a bit down?

Do you ever have those moments when a mood just strikes you, you find yourself a bit grouchy, beginning to judge yourself, or maybe just feeling a bit down?

I’ll tell you my little trick when I need to shift it fast. I sit and breathe for a good, solid minute. Focusing on my breath, big deep belly inhales, full exhales releasing all that is not serving me. As I’m breathing I begin to find three things I’m grateful for in the moment.

It could be as simple as having a minute of quiet when I’ve been running around. It may be imagining a loved one and the gratitude for having them in my life. Being warm on these bitter cold Chicago days. It can be anything that brings me into my heart and reminds me of the blessings and gifts I have in my life right now.

When I’m in a place of gratitude, everything else seems less of a struggle and more of a lesson.

Much Peace,

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Author Biography

Karla Kueber is here to support you in overcoming imposter syndrome and perfectionism so you can stop procrastinating, feeling stuck, and holding yourself back from your goals. Karla is here to help you believe in yourself and own your successes. You can book a freee discovery call with her here.

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